Privacy and Security
Released: April 1, 2010
This Privacy Policy is valid under and especially under URL's of booking pages.
Privacy Policy
The visitors they pay their booking on by credit card, have to give the informations such as name of cardholder, card number, expiration date, enter CVV number. This credit card information is approved by the designated bank. can be used for the payment of your booking. Your cerdit card informations will be not recording during of the proceedings.
Lago Hotel guarantees that the contact details, personal details and credit card numbers and other information without the consent of the users / customers, certainly not published elsewhere or used for any purpose. Apart from the judicial authorities a formal request to the users / customers are not present, no information is disclosed to third parties. The technical environment to our servers through various software and technological security measures protected, but it is limited with Internet and computer security.
On the booking sites provided all measures for the security of information. The users entering their credit card information through the site is encoded.Our payment page has a 128 bit SSL technology security certificate from the famous international Rapid SSL a subsidiary of Verisign.
Security measures contained on these pages information can be updated by Lago Hotel.
Bilgileri periyodik olarak kontrol ediniz.
The above data protection and security measures to protect your rights as members or visitors from Lago Hotel.